A new (to me) acronym - VUCA

I ran across this article a few days ago about a new acronym - VUCA. This stands for:

V - volatility
U - uncertainty
C - complexity
A - ambiguity

According to the article, we should expect to see more focus on VUCA as a set of considerations when dealing with business challenges or setting strategic goals.

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the term - SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) - a tool used to assess where an organization is in relation to the environment (however that may be defined). The VUCA framework reminds me of SWOT, but at a slightly lower level when we are considering specific goals or strategies.

One of the things I like that came from the article is the set of tools we can start to deploy or use once we identify where an issue may fall in the VUCA framework.These include things like communication plans or listening skills or collaboration to review possible responses.

Using VUCA to Process Organizational Change - hr bartender

During this year's WorkHuman Conference, hosted by Globoforce, I learned a new acronym - VUCA. It stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Wikipedia says it was introduced by the U.S. Army in the 1990s. In recent years, it's been used in strategic leadership conversations.


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